Monday Bunny Blogging

Bumble wants the day off, so no pictures of him. But he wanted you to see how good some rabbits have it:


5 responses to “Monday Bunny Blogging

  1. I hope Bumble and you are doing well. Ahh talk about cute. I had a bunny that looked like Bumble, I enjoy seeing the photos even if Bumble isn’t making an appearance today. 🙂

  2. that’s the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen … did you take it? -sw

  3. Hanging in there, Stephany. I’m glad you like the photos.

    No, secondwaver, I stole the photo from somewhere on the net. It is sweet how they’re sharing-I think Bumble would grab the apple and run.

  4. Hello again, good to her you are hanging in there. Hugs to you and Bumble, ok, just a quick stroke for Bumble.

  5. Ohhhh, how adorable!!!

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